Hydrogenation & Specialty

Hydrogenation & Specialty

Products we offer

Our catalyst products are a vital and strategic part of process technology and each of our heterogeneous catalysts is specific to a given process and can be tailored to provide a given set of end results – speed of reaction or process, enhanced product attributes, and the selectivity of end products. Choosing the right catalyst for the process is a crucial factor for success. Catalysts play a crucial role in 90% of all commercially produced chemical products. 

Our product portfolio covers base metal (Cu, Ni, Al, Zn, etc.) catalysts and precious metal (Pd, Pt, Ru, Rh, etc.) catalysts. Catalysts are supplied in different shapes (tablet, extrudate, powder, star, etc.) and can be used for fixed bed and slurry phase operations.

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Copper fixed bed
used for fatty alcohol, BDO, oxo alcohol, aniline production and others
Copper powder 
used for BDO, fatty alcohol, fine chemicals production and others
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Nickel fixed bed 

applicable for aromatic saturation, oxo alcohol and fatty alcohol production

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PGM fixed bed
used for aromatic saturation and selective hydrogenation
PGM powder
used for fine chemical selective hydrogenation 
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Alumina fixed bed
C1-C6 alcohol dehydration, methyl amine and Si-, F-, Cl-chemicals
Alumina Carrier
aluminum oxide tablet used as catalyst support 

used for amination, alkylation and isomerization reactions 

catalyts for COLO and full hydrogenation of dienes/olefins
BASF’s specialty zeolites based on crystalline alumosilicates play a key role in diesel automotive emission catalysts to reduce harmful NOx emissions. Magnification 8000:1 (15cm in width)
used for fine chemical selective hydrogenation reactions