Hydrogenation & Specialty

Hydrogenation & Specialty

Nickel Fixed Bed

BASF offers a range of nickel catalysts that can be used for fixed bed operation. Nickel catalysts are normally supplied in reduced and stabilized form that can help to shorten the start up period.

Each nickel catalyst in our portfolio is designed with its own carefully balanced combination of physical and chemical parameters, so that reliable catalyst performance can be achieved with each of the diverse range of applications. 

Ahmet Mercan
Global Marketing Manager, Hydrogenation & Specialty Catalysts

Our nickel fixed bed catalysts can be used for

  • Dearomatisation/deolefination of refinery fractions towards high end solvents, fuel additives, lubes, white oils and waxes.
  • Polishing of fatty alcohols downstream fatty methyl ester or wax ester hydrogenolysis
  • Saturation of waxes and paraffins originating from petroleum, coal, shale oil or natural gas for the application in cosmetics, candles, electrical insulation and medical ointments  
  • Gas purification of inert gas for semiconductor industry  

Products available

Solvents, White Oils and Spirits, Fuel Additives 

Polishing of Fatty Alcohols and BDO

Saturation of Waxes and Paraffins

Gas Purification of Inert Gas for Electronics

Oxo Alcohol and IPA

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