Hydrogenation & Specialty

Hydrogenation & Specialty


We want to contribute to a world that provides a viable future with enhanced quality of life for everyone. We do so by creating chemistry for our customers and by making the best use of available resources. We at BASF understand the challenges our customers are facing to reduce CO2  emissions. 

Find out more about BASF technologies and what we are currently doing to drive the industry in a more sustainable way.

Our Green Map
We want to live up to our responsibility to protect the climate by creating chemistry for our customers and society. We do so by increasing the volume of renewable and recycled feedstocks from sustainable sources. In our Green Map, we summarize the catalysts we offer to enable the use of renewable raw materials as feedstocks.
Our Blue Map
We at BASF understand the challenges our customers are facing to reduce CO2 emissions, as we are facing them ourselves. We support our customers to decarbonize their process through innovative technologies. In our Blue Map, we summarize the catalysts we offer to make the utilization of CO2  feedstocks possible.

Methanol to DME

Ethanol to Ethylene (E2E)

Glycerin to 1,2-Propanediol (MPG)

Glycerin to Propanol

C3/C4 Alcohol Dehydration to Propylene/Butene

Bio-Butanediol (Bio-BDO)

Glucose to Sorbitol

Furfuryl Alcohol

Methyl Furan

Ethyl acetate