

Our Glycerin to Propylene Glycol (G2PG) Process Technology

The BASF technology for hydrogenolysis of Glycerol to Propylene Glycol (G2PG) is a competitive, more sustainable process with around 60% lower emissions compared to the conventional route via petroleum-based propylene oxide. Due to the outstanding product quality and the superior yields obtained, the G2PG process is recognized as the leading commercially proven technology for the production of propylene glycol from glycerin.
Andreas Ufer
Licensing Technology Management

G2PG Process - Green chemistry route to propylene glycol

In the G2PG process, refined glycerin is hydrogenated at very high conversion and selectivity in liquid phase with a proprietary BASF copper catalyst. The conversion to Propylene Glycol takes place in two serial fixed bed reactors and at temperatures between 175° to 195° Celsius and at a pressure of 75 or 200 bar.

The crude product is then further purified downstream in a two-column distillation to produce propylene glycol with a technical grade of more than 99.5% purity. It is possible to produce pharma grade Propylene Glycol depending on feedstock quality. 


G2PG – a young but already experienced technology

The G2PG technology to produce Bio-Propylene Glycol has been commercially proven and successfully operating since 2012. BASF teamed-up with Air Liquide Engineering & Construction to license the G2PG technology, with more than four process design packages executed until today. Partnering enables us to achieve a fast and reliable execution of future projects.

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